Visitor Rules

Our Visit Policy; to protect the health and safety of our patients and to provide patient visits without interrupting the general operation of our hospital.

In emergency situations, restrictions may be placed on visits in cases where treatment may be prevented.

Our patient visits:                Weekdays                                                             Weekend

                                   Day time: 13: 00-14: 00                                       Day: 13: 00-15: 00

                                      Night: 19:00 - 21:00                                         Night: 19:00 21:00

More than two (2) visitors are not accepted for each patient at the same time. The duration of the visit in the shuttles should not exceed 15 minutes.

Unnecessary and persistent requests for visits should not be made outside the visiting hours.

Infants and children under the age of 12 should not be brought as visitors to protect the health of the inpatient.

In order to avoid the risk of infection, visitors should not sit on patient beds or use patient belongings. Hands should be washed before and after the visit

Or it should be cleaned by rubbing with hand antiseptic.

Food and drink should not be brought for the patient's health and safety.

If the visit of our patients is prohibited by their physician for medical reasons, the visit should not be insisted.

If there are “Isolation Signs” on the patient's room door or bedside during the visit, do not enter the patient's room / contact the patient without talking to the nurse.

Patients with complaints such as fever, cough, sneezing, and sputum production, relatives of patients with a known contagious disease such as flu and cold should not visit the patient.

In order to protect our patients from infection, live flowers are not accepted inpatient rooms.


Patients who are immunocompromised are not admitted to the intensive care unit where medical care and treatment is provided, and too risky areas where there is a risk of infection with risky foods such as raw vegetables and fruits.

During the treatment and examination procedures of our patients, visitors are expected to leave the room and take care of patient privacy.

No noise should be made for the health and service safety of our patients.

Our hospital is monitored 24 hours by security cameras. Our security guards are authorized to control all kinds of packages and to intervene in case of incidents.

Visitors who continue to stay despite the end of the visit are informed in accordance with the rules of courtesy that the visit has ended. Persisting or making trouble in case of visitors

Security guards vacate the sick room for visitors.

Visits of inpatients in the Intensive Care Unit; It is performed if the relevant physician approves.

Smoking is prohibited in all service areas of our hospital. Those who smokings are fined in accordance with Law No. 4207.

In cases where hospitalization occurs outside the visiting hours, a maximum of two (2) relatives are allowed to assist the patient. Care should be taken to leave the room for patients' relatives other than the attendant, within the first 30 minutes after hospitalization.

Visitor rules of Specialized Units (Intensive Care, Delivery Room, Child Service… etc.) have been determined by the relevant unit.


                                                                                                                     THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION